Speakers and components may come and go, but your favorite cables should be able to move with your ever changing system — hassle free.
Interchangeable spades and bananas in Silver-clad OFC or Silver+Gold plated OFC, make it easy to change connectors to suit your evolving needs. Wireworld's Uni-Term interchangeable plugs are convenient, fast and well-constructed with premium materials.
All Wireworld speaker cables come standard with Uni-Term spade or banana plug connectors.
Spades are universal fitting 6.3mm (1/4") and 9mm posts.
Exchange parts are spade or banana plugs only. Complete part includes socket, set screw and spade or banana.
NOTE: Universal spades can be soldered directly without use of socket; 1/4 inch spades are optional crimpable.
PART CODES: SPDGEX (Gold Universal Exchange Spade); SPDGUTM (Gold Universal Spade Complete Set); SPDG (1/4" Gold Exchange Spade); BANGEX (Gold Exchange Banana); BANGUTM (Gold Banana Complete Set); SPDSEX (Silver Universal Exchange Spade); SPDSUTM (Silver Universal Spade Complete Set); SPDSS (1/4" Silver Exchange Spade); BANSEX (Silver Exchange Banana); BANSUTM (Silver Banana Complete Set); SOCKET (Socket only)
Contents & compatibility:
What's in the box - Wireworld Uni-Term™ Interchangeable Spade & Banana Plugs Silver Banana / Plug & Socket Set / Single
Sound character - good detail, neutral, balanced timbre